ShokzStar Takeover: Greetings from the Boston Marathon
ShokzStar Takeover: Greetings from the Boston Marathon
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Greetings from the Boston Marathon

Hi, ShokzSquad! ShokzStar Alissa Kolarik here, taking over the blog today to tell you about my experience running the Boston Marathon.

When a race day starts with rain that’s blowing sideways, soaking you to your core before you even get on the bus to the start, you know it’s going to be an interesting one. My Boston Marathon this year both started and ended with tears, and while that sounds like a sad story, I promise you it’s not.

We left our hotel at 7:00 am to catch a 7:20 am bus to Hopkinton. At this time, there were thunderstorms with crazy gusts of wind, so I sadly opted not to bring my AfterShokz because my phone isn’t waterproof and I wouldn’t have been able to listen to music. That was mistake #1. Mistake #2 was not wearing waterproof pants. The rain soaked me, and the old PJ pants I had on were not ideal for the conditions. At one point I started crying in frustration – I’ve waited two years for this race, is this how things are going to go down?

I made it through security in the rain and got onto the bus. A wonderful woman named Liz sat down next to me, and we chatted the entire way to Hopkinton, which made what felt like the world’s longest bus ride feel a whole lot shorter. I realized mid bus ride that I had forgotten my bodyglide, thankfully Liz had some, and she let me borrow it when we got to Athlete’s Village.

 It had stopped raining by the time we got to Hopkinton, which was wonderful but also left the area around the porta potties a muddy mess. Thankfully I had worn a pair of old shoes I intended to donate, so my race shoes didn’t get muddy. We hung out there for a little bit, and before we knew it, our Wave was called to walk to the start. We walked about a half-mile down the road, to a CVS that was staged as a hangout for the starting area, and then we were able to get into our corrals.