We could all use some good vibes at a time like this. If you’re struggling through your day-to-day tasks or feeling uninspired, we’ve got the perfect solution for sparking new ideas, discovering interesting perspectives, and staying present. TED Talks have become part of our modern culture due to their highly-educational and approachable insights that everyone can learn from and enjoy.
We’ve tapped into the TED Talks archive to provide you with the best talks for inspiration and cultivating positivity whenever you need it most. In less than 20 minutes, each of these inspirational TED Talks provides the perfect opportunity to reset your perspective and take a little time for self-care and mindfulness.
“Where Good Ideas Come From” by Stephen Johnson
All good ideas can be traced back to one point: the eureka moment. In this thought-provoking 20-minute talk, writer Stephen Johnson walks listeners through a journey of eureka moments experienced by some of the great geniuses and in some of the most innovative places on Earth. Expect to finish the uplifting TED Talk with a renewed sense of motivation. We recommend adding the talk to your bookmarks for a little creative inspiration anytime you need it.
“Nature. Beauty. Gratitude” by Louie Schwartzberg
Meet your new favourite TED Talk for channelling mindfulness. In under 10 minutes, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg transports you to a wonderfully relaxing place filled with nature’s beauty. A vivid time-lapse photo display is accompanied by words from Benedictine monk Brother David Steindi-Rast to create a meditation all about gratitude and presence. Get ready to experience relaxation with just a click of the finger!
“Are We Born to Run?” by Christopher McDougall
We couldn’t give you a list of our favourite inspirational TED Talks without adding in one about a favourite fitness activity! In this iconic talk, runner and journalist Christopher McDougall explores the history of running through a series of short stories, tracing the urge all the way back to the times of our ancient ancestors. Tune into this uplifting talk whenever you need a dose of inspiration or proof that the human body is powerful beyond measure.
“2 Questions To Uncover Your Passion and Turn It Into Your Career “ by Noeline Kirabo
Now is the perfect time to reflect and manifest your biggest goals and aspirations, whether they be personal or professional. Social entrepreneur Noeline Kirabo shares two major questions that will help you kickstart the journey to finding your passion and using it to fuel your career path. Not sure what direction to go professionally? Take 11 minutes of your day and make the first step toward doing what you love!
“How To Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal
For the days when working from home has you feeling burnt out, or those days when you have a fully-packed to-do list, this 14-minute TED Talk by psychologist Kelly McGonigal is the perfect road map to stress relief.
Instead of considering stress as an overwhelming nuisance that looms over the tasks and moments of our everyday lives, McGonigal challenges the audience to see stress as a positive. She leads a quick dissertation on how to