Bad case of the Mondays? These tips are sure to turn your day around so you can end it with a smile.
Get some fresh air!
Instead of making a second cup of joe, try going outside! Studies show that spending time outdoors can improve your ability to focus, restore your mental energy, and improve your self-esteem and overall mood.
Go to bed early the night before!
It's no secret that the amount of sleep you get can have a major effect on your mood. Get ahead of next Monday by going to bed early the night before.
Bad day? Hit the gym!
There's nothing a sweat session can't fix! Instead of spending your night sulking around, get your 30 minutes of exercise in and enjoy the lift in your mood!
Turn up the tunes and jam out!
Not only will listening to your favorite artist/band help you feel better, research shows that listening to (or performing) music can have other positive effects on your mind and body.