The United Relay of America is in full swing and the red team is already half way to New York! The support team for the relay has been a tremendous help in taking the relay from the west coast to east coast. Richard Reed, a member of the red support crew, was awesome enough to share some of his experiences along the way. Check it out below!
This world is filled with amazing people if you only give them a chance. Here are a few that come to mind since our start.
The #sweatpink ladies that drove up from Portland, OR to be a part of the Seattle send off. Rufus, who ran the very first solo leg of the entire relay - running in the dark with Kim and Caleigh. Who knew that you would run into so many people on an urban trail in the middle of the night?
I got to meet Krissy, world class ultra-runner and coach who is down to earth and super cool. Jill who, through miscommunication, was stranded (with another support crew member) for the better part of an hour, and gracefully laughed it off. EJ Harpham, over two days, put in 130 miles on her bike for the relay! I had the pleasure of supporting her for a day on my own. She has had an amazing life and continues to design a life of adventure.
Utah brought us the Merrell family, who took on 50 miles, but ended up running 59 miles through the urban landscape from one side of Salt Lake City to the other. They were their own rolling party. Following them John, who out of the blue said, "Sure, I'll ride 55 miles for you guys". Just after Ben and I took turns running ten miles each through light snow in the central Utah Mountains.
In Colorado, long time Facebook friend, Lorrie jumped in to run ten miles into the night. For me it was a tiny reunion, and she was great. Driving through a valley near Paradox, CO that seemed like a piece of heaven. Colorado Springs, where Kari decided one leg wasn't enough. She ran 10 and biked 20 miles!
Ben and I have had quite the opportunity to see some amazing scenery. Running and biking immerses you in the environment in a way that you don't get in the seat of a car. However, in the end, it's the people that I will remember most, people that took a leap to make a difference. The world is a better place for people like this!